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The only prime numbers ending in 2 or 5 are 2 and 5.

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7y ago

32 ends in an even digit and so 32 is divisible by 2.95 ends in a 5 and so 95 is divisible by 5.

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Related questions

How do you tell prime numbers without finding the factors?

There are lists of them online.

Can you tell 32 and 95 are not prime numbers without finding their products?

Even numbers greater than 2 can't be prime. Multiples of 5 greater than 5 can't be prime.

How do you tell between prime and composite numbers?

Prime numbers have no divisibles.

How can you tell when a ratio is in simplest form?

Use a formula or algorithm for finding the greatest common factor. When in their simplest form, the numbers in a ratio have a GCF of 1. this is often easy to spot without formally checking; for instance, if any of the numbers are prime, then they are in their simplest ratio.

How can you tell 32 and 95 are not prime numbers without finding their factors?

32 is an even number (look at the ones place). The only even prime is 2. 95 has 5 as a factor (again look at the ones place). Multiples of 5 have a 0 or 5 in the ones place.That is how you figer out if 32 and 95 in not a prime number.

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Without spaces or commas, there's no way to tell what numbers you're asking about.

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The sum of two positive numbers is always positive.

How do you tell whether a number is prime or composite?

Prime numbers have only two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.

How can you tell the difference between a prime number and a composite number?

Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.

How can you tell that 32 and 95 are not prime numbers?

32 is not a prime because 2 is a factor of all even numbers. 95 is not a prime because all numbers greater than 5 that end in a 5 or 0 are composite numbers.

How can you tell when a number is relatively prime?

A number is never relatively prime.Relatively prime refers to a pair of numbers.

Is 48 prime or composite and tell you the numbers?

48 is not a prime number it can be divide by 8, 2 and 4