Used in land surveying to lay out property lines, roads, and generally anything requiring a boundary. Ask a Licensed Surveyor or a Civil Engineer for more details.
coordinate grids are used for coordinates, coordinate grid is used for the coordinates so you know where you can place your coordinate on.
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
natural numbers are used in real life for counting, adding, subtracting and even for calculting money purposes
an English fifty pence piece
Close to infinitely many.
You don't!
cause they are important
Boats use them to navigate.
They are used to map points on a graph and are used to make real maps as well as graph probabilities and distances.
Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.
yes they can you just don't notice that you are using coordinates
coordinate grids are used for coordinates, coordinate grid is used for the coordinates so you know where you can place your coordinate on.
Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.
If you are in school and are studying trig then you are using trig in real life.
cartesian coordinates can be used in measuring distance and direction in relation to a systems to rigid bodies. you could also use cartesian while graphing. also u could use it when you're selling. The best example of coordinates in everyday life is use of longitude and latitude on globe. Each unique location on the earth has a unique combination of longitude and latitude. Global positioning system used by radio taxi operators also uses x,y coordinates to find exact location of a vehicle.
Real useing you house.
Yes, they are used.