They are alike because they are all different columns of digits and they are different because they have different columns.
When you add, you put two numbers together. When you subtract, you take a number away from another. They are alike because they both are ways to solve a math problem, easy or hard, and different because adding and subtracting are pretty much the opposite of each other, if you really think about it.
The "name" of the period.
A square triangle and hexagon are alike becaue they are shapes. they are also alike because the have straight lines and no curved. each of the shapes have a base and at least 2 corners. hope these are good for what you needed and sorry if not.
It can have any shape that you like. The main point is that it is repeated for each period.
they are alike because they have zeros and they are different because of the place value;hope you liked this answer
Go Phillies
It depends on what kind of label it is and what kind of period it is.
Depend ong what place value
they are alike because they are different columns of digits and they are different because they have different. ddf
the number of protons
They were alike becasue they dated each others wives and they were different becasue king Arthur had HIV.
When you get to the envelope/label screen, choose labels. Also select the label number that matches your labels. Then click on the New Document button. It will give you a page with separate areas. Type in what you want into each space. Then, print.
Both describe food serving sizes. The Food Pyramid assigns a portion size to each serving, then recommends how many of these servings from each food group you should eat daily for a balanced diet. Food labels offer a slightly different standardized serving size to be used when shopping to compare nutritional information between similar products.
No, diverse means different or varied, while alike means similar or resembling each other. A diverse group is composed of individuals with different backgrounds or characteristics, whereas an alike group consists of individuals who share common traits or qualities.
You have to find things that are different and similiar to each other.