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A cone is 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height.

A pyramid is 1/3 of the volume of a prism with the same base and height.

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Q: How are the volumes of cones and pyramids related to the volumes of prisms and cylinders?
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Related questions

How are pyramids and cones different than prisms and cylinders?

They depend on radius rather than perimeter.

What kinds of 3d shapes are there?

There is prisms and pyramids. There are also spheres and cylinders

What are examples of prisms pyramids cylinders and cones in real life?

Prisms: Feed troughs, bathtubs, and boxes. Pyramids: Pyramids of Egypt and the Aztecs. Cylinders: Cans, pistons, tubes, and pipes. Cones: Ice cream cones, funnels, and the bottom part of a water tower.

How are cones and cylinders similar to pyramids and prisms?

cones are similar to pyramids because they come to a point, also known as the vertex. Cones and pyramids are also conic. Cylinders are similar to prisms because their base, no matter what shape, will translate (slide) all the way up the middle to the top. Basically, their 2 bases should always always always be congruent. Prisms and cylinders are also cylindric.

The difference between cylinders and prisms is that cylinders have 2 bases whereas the bases of prisms are?

... whereas one of the "bases" of prisms are vertices.

Are polyhedrons sometimes not prisms or pyramids?

they are not sometimes prisms

What is the fomula of volume?

There is no universal formula for volume: it depends on the shape. There are formulae for the volumes of some shapes such as cuboids (including cubes), cones, ellipsoids (including spheres), regular polyhedra (including pyramids), prisms (including cylinders). But there are many more irregular shapes for which no formulae exist.

How are prisms and cylinders different?

Prisms have polygons as bases whereas cylinders have circles as bases. In a way, a cylinder is like a circular prism.

How are prisms and pyramids alike?

Both pyramids and prisms are three dimensional. Both of them have polygon faces. Another thing common about pyramids and prisms is that they have a base and faces.

Are there pyramids and prisms in a house?

i am not sure.

How are pyramids and triangular prisms the same?


How is a cylinders and prisms are different?

they arent