by decreasing time needed to do work or increasing the amount of work done
On A+ the answer is by decreasing time needed to do work"Power is energy per unit time." You can increase it or generate more energy by working harder. You can also increase it by working faster.
If linear dimensions are increased by a certain factor, the volume will increase by that same factor, raised to the third power - so, in this case, 3 to the power 3.
If 250 increased to 300, the percentage increased by 20 percent.
It increased by 83.3%
1.43 is the percent of 130 increased by 10.
It is increased by two and one third of itself.
what factors increased industrial power
it is increased 10 times
Citizens would be excited and proud about the increased power of their country - APEX
Its power to protect the rights of individuals increased ~ APEX
increased trade between Europe and other parts of the worldEurope releamed ancient knowledge.Venice increased its power. Increased trade between Europe and other parts of the worldEurope relearned ancient knowledge. Venice increased its power. Increased trade between Europe and other parts of the world
The leaders of the Shang dynasty increased their power by keeping what power they had in their family and then the power kept getting bigger.
R is proportional to 1/4th power of transmitted power so answer is 2
Increased accuracy and power.
The persons power that increased during the feudalism that was ending was the kings during that time in the 1500's.
increased trade between Europe and other parts of the worldEurope releamed ancient knowledge.Venice increased its power. Increased trade between Europe and other parts of the worldEurope relearned ancient knowledge. Venice increased its power. Increased trade between Europe and other parts of the world