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You'll need the following materials:

-- one medium sharp stick

-- one broad-tip black marker

-- a metric tape measure

-- 5.05 or 5.1 meters of string

Proceed as follows:

-- Tie one end of the string around the medium sharp stick.

-- Stick the sharp end of the medium sharp stick into the ground.

-- Tie the other end of the string around the broad-tip black marker.

-- Lay the string against the metric tape measure. Wind it around the

marker until the length of the string between the sharp stick and the

marker is 5 meters.

-- With the body of the marker upright, place the tip of the marker lightly

on the ground.

-- Without letting the string go slack, slowly and carefully walk around the

sharp stick. As you walk, stay all bent over, and rub the point of the marker

on the ground, leaving a black mark.

-- Keep going until you have walked all the way around the sharp stick.

Then, slowly and carefully, stand up and stretch.

-- Now you may look around and see what you have created. There is

a black circle markled on the ground, with a radius of 5 meters, with its

center located at the place where the sharp stick is stuck in the ground.

You should leave the sharp stick there, to mark the center of the circle.

But you should now remove marker and the string, and dispose of them

properly. You'll need them no longer, unless you're called upon to reprise

your demonstration.

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12y ago
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8y ago
  1. Get a string 5 meters long
  2. Attach one end of the string to the ground and the other to a stick or sharp object
  3. Move the string around and leave a trail with the sharp object
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