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If you accept that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, then picture this. A quadrilateral shape is two triangles. If you draw a line between one pair of opposite corners in quadrilateral shape, you have two triangles that share a common side. The sum of the angles in the quadrilateral must equal the sum of the angles in the two triangles. 2 x 180 = 360

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Q: How can you prove that the sum of the four interior angles in all quadrilaterals equal 360 degrees?
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Not always but all 4 sided quadrilaterals have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

How many degrees is a trapezoid equal to?

A trapezium is a quadrilateral and, as with all quadrilaterals, its interior angles sum to 360 degrees.

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The interior angles of all quadrilaterals sum to 360 degrees. Since a parallelogram is a quadrilateral, its interior angles must sum to 360 degrees.

Do all quadrilateral equal 360 degrees?

Yes the 4 interior angles of all quadrilaterals add up to 360 degrees

Does a quadrilateral equal 180 degress?

No because the sum of the interior angles of all quadrilaterals total 360 degrees.

What is the angle sum rule for all quadrilaterals?

The sum of all (interior) angles must equal 360 degrees

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The total for the interior angles depends on the number of sides. The formula for the total of interior angles of an n-sided polygon is sum =180(n-2). This is 180 degrees for triangles, 360 degrees for quadrilaterals, and 540 degrees for pentagons.

What is the polygon whose interior angles equal 180 degrees?

It is a triangle. The formula for the total of interior angles in an n-sided polygon is 180(n-2). This is 180 degrees for triangles, 360 degrees for quadrilaterals, and 540 degrees for pentagons.

What does a square and rhombus have in common?

They are both quadrilaterals with 4 equal sides.

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What Quadrilaterals equal 360 degrees?

All polygons with four angles (quadrilaterals) have a inner angle sum of 360 degrees.

Is a rhombus a square explain why?

They are both 4 equal sided quadrilaterals with opposite parallel sides but a square has 4 equal interior angles of 90 degrees whereas a rhombus has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles.