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In order to divide fractions there is a method called the "Kiss and Flip". Basically, two fractions divided by one another is the same thing as one fraction multiplied by the inverse of the second. We will use the fractions 1/5 and 1/4 as our examples...

A) 1/5 / 1/4(these are your two fractions)

B) 1/5 / 1/4 (the fractions "Kiss" a.k.a. come together in one equation)

C) 1/5 X 4/1 (and the second fraction "flips". When the second fraction flips the division sign becomes a multiplication sign)

D) 1/5 x 4/1 = 4/5 (at this point you multiply the numerators straight across and then the denominators. This is your answer!)

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