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FOIL is an acronym standing for first, outside, inside, and last, which is a method for multiplying binomials For example: (a + b)(a + b) F (a + b)(a + b) = a2

O (a + b)(a + b) = +ab

I (a + b)(a + b) = +ab

L (a + b)(a + b) = b2 a2 + ab + ab + b2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 *always remember to watch the signs. If you multiply -a times b you get -ab. Also, remember to add or subtract the coefficients (Coefficients are the numbers in front of the variables. If no number is seen, it is automatically a 1. The coefficient of -ab is -1 and the coefficient of ab is 1, thus ab + ab = 2ab). Multiplying binomials and trinomials is similar, but FOIL is not used. There are various methods used, here is one of them: Example 1 (x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) Step 1: Multiply x by the entire trinomial (x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = x3

(x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = -3x2

(x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = -5x Step 2: Multiply 3 by the entire trinomial. Remember to keep the signs, or in other words, remember that 3 is positive. (x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = +3x2

(x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = -9x

(x + 3)(x2 - 3x - 5) = -15 The product looks like: x3 - 3x2 - 5x + 3x2 - 9x - 15 Step 3: Combine like terms or simplify x3 - 14x - 15 Remember that terms are ordered by the highest power to the lowest power. Example 2

(2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) Step 1: (2y - 3)(y2+ 6y + 10) = 2y3

(2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) = +12y2

(2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) = +20y Step 2: (2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) = -3y2

(2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) = -18y

(2y - 3)(y2 + 6y + 10) = -30 = 2y3 + 12y2 + 20y - 3y2 - 18y - 30

Step 3: 2y3 + 9y2 + 2y - 30

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Q: How do you FOIL a math problem witha binomial and a trinomial?
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How do you know when to foil in math?

When multiplying two binomial expressions.

Why can't you use FOIL to multiply a binomial?

you can. i am in algebra II and that's what i was taught

What is an acronym used to remember the steps needed to multiply two binomials?

You don't need any acronym; just multiply every monomial on the left with every monomial on the right. The same goes for multiplying a binomial with a trinomial, two trinomials, or in fact for multiplying any polynomial by any other polynomial.

How do you solve a square of a binomials?

Squaring a binomial can be done by writing the binomial twice and multiply using FOIL method.EX: (x+3)2 = (x+3)(x+3) = x2 +3x +3x +9 = x2 + 6x +9

Factor the trinomial x2 - 8x - 33?

By inspection. X^2 - 8X - 33 (X - 11)(X + 3) FOIL and see. X = 11 X = - 3

What is the factor of this trinomial x2 plus 4x - 60?

x2 + 4x - 60 factors into (x + 10)(x - 6). You can use the FOIL method to check your answers when you factor.

How can you introduce squaring a binomial to the learners?

You could start with multiplying two different binomials ("FOIL" and such), then squaring a binomial is just a special case. In both cases, you could give a geometric illustration (a square with sides a+b and c+d, and the product represented by area)

What is a memory aid to remember how to multiply two binomials?

In elementary algebra, FOIL is a mnemonic for the standard method of multiplying two binomials-hence the method may be referred to as the FOIL method. The word FOIL is an acronym for the four terms of the product:First ("first" terms of each binomial are multiplied together)Outer ("outside" terms are multiplied-that is, the first term of the first binomial and the second term of the second)Inner ("inside" terms are multiplied-second term of the first binomial and first term of the second)Last ("last" terms of each binomial are multiplied)The general form is:Note that is both a "first" term and an "outer" term; is both a "last" and "inner" term, and so forth. The order of the four terms in the sum is not important, and need not match the order of the letters in the word FOIL.The FOIL method is a special case of a more general method for multiplying algebraic expressions using the distributive law. The word FOIL was originally intended solely as a mnemonic for high-school students learning algebra, but many students and educators in the United States now use the word "foil" as a verb meaning "to expand the product of two binomials". This neologism has not gained widespread acceptance in the mathematical community.

Can you put aluminum foil in a microwave that has a metal rack?

No. The wire rack does not have enough surface area to cause a problem.. The foil is a solid surface and will reflect the microwaves.

Is aluminum foil a problem for an airport scanner?

Aluminum foil, even pieces as small as candy wrappers, will set off a metal detector. Many companies are changing from aluminum foil to a paper wrap due to this problem. Your best bet is to remove any and all things you can from your pockets, gum and candy included!

What is the factorization of the trinomial below. -x2 - 2x plus 48?

First, I'll multiply by -1, to make it a little easier to work with (then when done, I'll multiply by -1 again): x2 + 2x - 48. We want two numbers, when multiplied yield -48, and the sum is 2: -6 and 8. (x + 8)(x - 6) works. Now multiply one of the binomial factors by -1: (x + 8)(6 - x). Multiply using FOIL to check: -x2 - 2x + 48

When do you FOIL?

In math, you FOIL when multiplying two binomials. Really, FOIL is just the distributive property; it's just a rule to help make sure you multiply everything in the first binomial by everything in the second. So (x+1)(x+3) is an example of this. It is done by multiplying the first terms, outside terms, inside terms, and then last terms. This is x2+3x+x+3. Simplified, this is x2+4x+3.