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Multiply the quotient by the divisor to result in the dividend.
If dividend/divisor=quotient, then dividend=quotient x divisor

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Q: How do you check the answer to a decimal division question?
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How do you check the answer to a division question?

To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.

How do you check the answer to a division question in which there is a remainder?

You multiple the answer you got and you will get your answer

How can you explain if you can write a division expression as a decimal?

You can always write a numerical division expression as a decimal.

How do you turn a division into a decimal fraction?

You do a long division, adding decimal digits until you get a remainder of zero (terminating decimal) or a repeating pattern of decimal digits.

Is a decimal whose division ends?

It is a terminating decimal.

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What is a decimal whose division ends?

It is a terminating decimal fraction.

How do you know if your answer is right for a writing a fraction for a decimal?

Check your work by doing the division. 0.94 = 47/50 47 divided by 50 = 0.94

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Why do you make a remainder in division a fraction or decimal?

So that the answer from the division is a single quotient.

How many places when the decimal moon and a conversion from kilograms the milligrams?

A "decimal moon" is not a recognised term Please check your question and resubmit one which makes sense.

How do you convery a fraction in to a decimal?

You do it be long division.