.56 inches is 56 one-hundredths of an inch. Also expressed as 56/100 as a fraction.
The conversion fraction is 1/12.
To convert 6 feet and 4 inches to a fraction, you first need to convert everything to inches. Since 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, 6 feet is equal to 6 x 12 = 72 inches. Therefore, 6 feet and 4 inches is a total of 72 + 4 = 76 inches. To express this as a fraction, you would write it as 76/1 or simply 76.
Like all whole numbers put it over 1, to get 89/1 inches.Perhaps you ought to ask your question with more clarity as to what you want.For example, do you mean "How do you convert 89 inches to a fraction of another unit, for example a chain?"In which case you find out how many inches are in the other unit (1 chain = 792 inches) and then use this as the denominator with 89 as the numerator and then simplify the fraction. In this case 89 inches is 89/792 chain.
Answer is: 68%
1 cm is equal to 0.3937 inches. Therefore, to convert 68 cm to inches, you would multiply 68 by 0.3937 which equals approximately 26.77 inches.
666/1 inches.
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100%: 68/85 = 68/85 x 100 % = 80 %
Fraction of what? 46 in = 3 ft 10 inches (12 inches in a foot)
5 feet is 60 inches so 5 feet 8 inches is 68 inches. Now, 68 inches = 1.7272 meters1.7272 meters.
I guess you probably meant 17/25 for the fraction. To convert a fraction to percent, multiply by 100 and put on the % sign. 17/24 X 100% = 68%
5 feet and 8 inches equal a total of 68 inches. To convert to just feet, divide by 12 to get 5.67 feet.
.56 inches is 56 one-hundredths of an inch. Also expressed as 56/100 as a fraction.
6 and 8/10 10 * 6 + 8 = 68 68/10 = 34/5
The conversion fraction is 1/12.