A kilobyte (kb) is a measure of storage while a minute is a measure of time. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid without some addition information - such as what is being stored (audio, video, etc), at what quality and in what format.
it's the same formula that the one used to transform kilograms in kilometers
You ask the tindera in the market
437,040,000 minutes
48,987 minutes = 34 Days. :)
80,740 minutes are in 8 weeks.
it's the same formula that the one used to transform kilograms in kilometers
1 MB is equal to 1024 KB.
Kb/gb = gb example: 10 kb = 1/1000 = 0.00001
To convert from MB to KB, you must multiply by 1024.
divide by 8,000. Kb is Kilobits = 1000 bits and a byte has 8 bits so Kb divide by 8 = KB and KB divide by 1,000 = bytes.
About 6.77MB. 1024KB = 1MB To convert from KB to MB, divide by 1024.
You ask the tindera in the market
If you are using the precise computer definitions of GB and KB, a GB is 2 to the 30th power and KB is 2 to the 10th power. Therefore, to convert GB to KB you multiply by 2 to the 20th power, or 1,048,576. For a rough estimate, just multiply by 1,000,000, that is to say, 1 GB is about the same as 1,000,000 KB.
1.83 mb is 1873.92 kb (1 mb is 1024 kb,so 1,83*1024=1873,92)
8 btes equals 0.00781 Kilobytes
1197225 kb / 1024 / 1024 = 1.14176273 gb