

Best Answer

-- Multiply radians by ( 180/pi ) to get degrees.

-- Multiply degrees by ( pi/180 ) to get radians.

This technique works with any brand of calculator. Also with

computers, Curta, pencil and paper, and slide rules.

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Q: How do you convert between radians and degrees using an Aurora calculator?
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What is the measure of 128 in degrees?

This question isn't worded very clearly, so I'm going to convert 128 radians to degrees.A radian is the ratio between the radius of an angle and the arc length. Because the circumference of a circle is 2Ï€, a circle is 2Ï€ radians. In degrees, a circle is 360o.If 360o=2Ï€ radians, then 1radian=(180/Ï€)oSo to convert any number of radians into degrees, multiply by 180/Ï€. So 128*180/Ï€=23040/Ï€ or about 7333o

How do you convert 18 degrees to radians expressing the answer as a multiple of pi?

A radian is an arc of a circle whose size is the same as its radius and in degrees it is about 57.3 degrees because there are 360 degrees around a circle and so 2*pi radians = 360 degrees. 2 pi = 360 degrees therefore 18 degrees = 2 pi x 18/360 radians = 0.1 pi radians

How do you find the angle with the radius and the arc length?

The arc length divided by the radius is the angle in radians. To convert radians to degrees, multiply by (180/pi).

What does 1 plus cosx?

That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.

How do you find the measure of angle 75 degree in radians?

A full turn is 360° which is equivalent to 2π radians To convert form degrees to radians divided by 360° and multiply by 2π; however 360° = 180°×2, therefore divide by 180° and multiply by π radians. → 75° = 75° ÷ 180° × π radians = 5π/12 radians ≈ 1.31 radians

Related questions

How do you calculate radians from degrees?

Scroll down to related links and use the fine calculator "Convert radians to degrees and degrees to radians".

What is the mathematical formula a calculator uses to convert sine to degrees?

To convert from radians to degrees, multiply by 180° and divide by pi.

Convert radians to degrees?

Multiply the radians by 180/PI to convert to degrees.

Convert degrees to radians 47.6925 degrees to radians?

47.6925 deg = 83.24 radians.

How do you do radian functions?

Just as you can measure a distance in metres and centimetres or in feet and inches, you can measure angles in degrees or radians. You can either set your calculator to radians, or convert from radians to degrees using 1 radian = 180/pi degrees = 57.3 degrees approx or 1 degree = pi/180 radians.

Convert -320 degrees to radians?

-5.58505361 radians.

What is 30 degrees in terms of pi?

I assume you want to convert from degrees to radians. To convert from degrees to radians, you multiply by (pi / 180).

How do you convert radians to exact numbers?

the formula to convert degrees to radiansangle in radians = angle in degrees * Pi / 180 .

What does evaluate the expression in both radians and degrees mean?

Radians and degrees are two different systems for measuring the size of an angle. In radians, a full circle is 2pi radians. In degrees, a full circle is 360 degrees. If you want to evaluate an expression in both, then first simplify and evaluate the expression plugging in radian values into your trig functions. The second time, use degree values. On your calculator, you can switch modes between radians and degrees. It should give you the same answer unless you are supposed to leave it written as unevaluated trig functions or something like that. To convert from radians to degrees... radians=degrees * (pi/180)

What is 35 degrees in radians?

To convert degrees to radians, you can use the formula: radians = degrees * (π/180). Therefore, 35 degrees is approximately 0.6109 radians.

How do you convert revolution into radians or degrees?

One revolution = 360 degrees or 2pi radians

Convert -7pi2 radians to degrees?

-7 pi2 radians = -3,958.4 degrees (rounded)