it is a shorthand for representing numbers break them each into 2 parts the last digit is called the leaf and the rest is called the stem.
Ex. the number 75 has a stem of 7 and a leaf of 5.
then collect all the numbers with the numbers and place them in a row.
Ex.129 has stem of 12 and a leaf of 9.
stem-and-leaf plots
stem and leaf plots are used in math
a leaf is part of a stem and leaf plot
A double stem-and-leaf plot is also known as a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot. Instead of there being a stem on the left side and its leaf on the right, the stem is in the middle, with a leaf on the right and a leaf on the left. It is used to compare sets of data. For example, the number of homeruns hit by National League teams vs. American League teams.
stem-and-leaf plots
stem and leaf plot
So the leaf will live and create carbon dioxide to make oxygen and we live.
A graph and stem is different to a leaf plot because in a leaf plot, there is a stem and leaf in a plot, while in a graph and stem, there is a leaf and stem in a graph.
The let side of a stem a stem and leaf plot
A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.
It is, not surprisingly, a stem-and-leaf plot.It is, not surprisingly, a stem-and-leaf plot.It is, not surprisingly, a stem-and-leaf plot.It is, not surprisingly, a stem-and-leaf plot.
Stem-and Leaf Plot (Works for the crossword by Holt!)
a plot that involves stem and leaf