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Use function mkdir.

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Q: How do you create folder with c plus plus?
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How can you create sub folder in c?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> int main() { CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience",NULL); //create folder "ComputerScience" in desktop CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience\\SF",NULL);//create another folder "SF" inside ComputerScience folder printf("file created"); getch(); }

How do you create .exe file in c plus plus?

You can create an exe-file from your C++ source, if you have a compiler.

Why cant we create a con folder in PC?

we can create a con folder in pc by using ms-dos create a con folder in C-drive by typing mkdir<space>\con\<press enter>... now u can see the folder con created in C-DRIVE OR ANY DRIVEs.. we can remove using rmdir<space>\con\<press enter>.............

How do you create directory in c drive?

Go to the C: drive and right click. go to new and hit folder.

How do you create a directoryfolder called Kenya in Drive C?

Are you asking how do you "rename" the C drive? or how to place a folder in C drive named Kenya?

How do you create a folder on MS-DOS using the MD command?

At the dos prompt (c:>), type md then a space, then the name of the folder you want to create. Example md foldername

How do you create a file and not a folder?

Depends on your type of computer windows if you click on new you should see create folder in the folder you can create a file

What command will create a folder named data on the C drive?

When in Command(prompt) [Cmd] type: MD C:\Data <enter> It's as simple as that! Note: You must have the permission to create folders on C-drive..

In applications created in Visual C plus plus 2005 what is a container that stores files associated with only a specific piece of the solution?

A filter; a virtual folder.

A plus sign to the left of a folder in Windows Explorer indicates that the folder is what?

A plus sign to the left of a folder in Windows Explorer indicates that the folder is: a Parent folder containing Subfolders within.

How To copy a selected file from one folder to another?

This is actually really easy to do. First create new folder by right clicking on the desktop, and going to New > Folder. When your new folder is created go to the file you want to copy and click on it to highlight it. Now press Ctrl+C and now go back to the folder you just made and open it. You should be in the folder, and while in the folder press Ctrl+V. Now the file is copied in the folder and your done!

How do you create a folder for completed LimeWire downloads?

u go to create a new folder in ur documents