b + b + b + c + c + c + c = 3b + 4c
c + c + c + c + c = 5 * c.
It is impossible to give any decimal/numeric value if we are not given the values of at least one variable, so the answer is B + B + B + C + C + C.
the answer is a
If you click on the plus sign in Windows Explorer, then you open it, to see lower-level folders.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> int main() { CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience",NULL); //create folder "ComputerScience" in desktop CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience\\SF",NULL);//create another folder "SF" inside ComputerScience folder printf("file created"); getch(); }
You can create an exe-file from your C++ source, if you have a compiler.
we can create a con folder in pc by using ms-dos create a con folder in C-drive by typing mkdir<space>\con\<press enter>... now u can see the folder con created in C-DRIVE OR ANY DRIVEs.. we can remove using rmdir<space>\con\<press enter>.............
Go to the C: drive and right click. go to new and hit folder.
Are you asking how do you "rename" the C drive? or how to place a folder in C drive named Kenya?
At the dos prompt (c:>), type md then a space, then the name of the folder you want to create. Example md foldername
Depends on your type of computer windows if you click on new you should see create folder in the folder you can create a file
When in Command(prompt) [Cmd] type: MD C:\Data <enter> It's as simple as that! Note: You must have the permission to create folders on C-drive..
A filter; a virtual folder.
A plus sign to the left of a folder in Windows Explorer indicates that the folder is: a Parent folder containing Subfolders within.
u go to create a new folder in ur documents
class class_name { private: data_members; public: member_functions; };