That will depend on how many decimal places you are asked to round it to. your welcome
move the decimal down and over however many numbers are behind the decimal
if not going to the number 1 there is infinit here is a big (rather small) decimal 0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 etc. 8
3.2 (the numbers on the LEFT of the decimal determine which number is biggest)
if the decimal number is smaller than the decimal is larger.
move the decimal down and over however many numbers are behind the decimal
is a big fox
Choose the one with the most decimal places.
A decimal is a rational number if it ever ends, or if it repeats the same single digit or set of digits forever.
If the decimal is terminating or repeating then it can be written as a fraction. Decimal representations which are non-terminating and non-repeating cannot be expressed as a fraction.
First, determine what number is in the second decimal place. As it is a five in this case, the first decimal place is rounded up with the answer becoming 3.5.
The force and speed of wind will determine how little and big the waves are.
How big and environment