The following rules apply to all real numbers.
The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive
The set of integers includes negative integers as well as positive integers. It also includes the number zero which is neither negative nor positive.
a negative x a negative= a positive, a positive x a positive= a positive, a negative x a positive= a negative, and a positive x a negative= a negative. Same thing with division. a negative divided by a negative= a positive, a positive divided by a positive= a positive, a negative divided by a positive= a negative, and a positive divided by a negative is a negative. U see?
They are simply positive integers
Its a negative. same sign with multiplication is positive, opposite is negative.
The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive
When multiplying integers, multiplying by the same sign will always produce a positive integer. Such as a negative times a negative equals a positive. If the signs are different then the product will be a negative.
Negative. -2 + -3 = -5 You might be confused with multiplication, where the product is positive
following multiplication integer rules and division rules, you should get: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)" a division problem is a multiplication problem in disguise
Non-positive integers are zero and the negative integers.
All positive integers are all greater than negative integers.
Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.
-- If the two integers have the same sign, their quotient is positive. -- If the two integers have different signs, their quotient is negative.
Yes, the intersection of non-negative (positive) and non-positive (negative) integers is zero.
The quotient of two positive integers will be positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative. A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive.
Positive. The product of even numbers of negative integers is always positive, whereas the product of odd nummbers of negative integers is always negative.
yes integers are all numbers negative and positive