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You add a decimal point and zeros after the decimal to 15. So it would look like this:

22 into 15.0 then you would do the long division like you were dividing 22 into 150. Carry the decimal up above onto the answer bar and your answer will fall behind the decimal place (because 22 goes into 15 less than 1 time!) Continue adding zeros until you get a round answer, or start a repeating pattern. Its difficult to show with text, but heres my best at it: (by filling in space with ",,,")














As you can see we have hit a pattern, so the answer is .6818181... (the calculator will verify this)

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Q: How do you divide a smaller number by a bigger number by hand. For example 15 divided by 22?
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Not necessarily. When you divide by a fraction, the answer can be bigger than both of them. 6 ÷ 1/5 = 30

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This has absolutely nothing to do with decimals. For example, any positive number become smaller if divided by any number that is greater than 1: whether in rational form or decimal form.

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Not necessarily, you need to look at the context of the percentage you are finding. For example, in machines, when finding percent efficiency, the output can be greater or less than the input, the output is divided by the input so sometimes the number may be greater or smaller. However, in the case of merchandise sales, you do not find sales that are greater than 100% off so it would actually be the smaller number divided by the bigger number.

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When you divide anything into 750 pieces they will always be smaller than the same thing divided into 400 pieces .... so obviously divided by 400 is BIGGER than divided by 750.

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Add enough zeros so the smaller number becomes bigger than the bigger one. It's difficult to divide 50 into 4, but it's easier to divide 50 into 4.00