You divide as normal BUT you change the direction of the inequality symbol, so that < becomes > and conversely.
Flip it around
Flip. You need to reverse the inequality when multiplying or dividing by a negative. -2x < 10 (-1)*(-2x) < (-1)*10 2x > -10 x > -5
When an inequality is multiplied or divided by a negative number the inequality sign is reversed.Example : -x < 7 ......after multiplying by (say) -2 this becomes 2x > -14
Change the direction of the inequality.
Divide by negative one and flip the sign eg -x > 6 / -1 /-1 x < - 6
Yes you do, you also flip the inequality sign if you multiply by a negative # The > and < signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.
The usual case is when you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number.
When you divide both sides by a negative value
No. Only when you divide by a negative.
When you divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign flips.
Flip it around
The inequality sign must be flipped.
negative flip
When solving an inequality, you must revers the inequality sign when you multiply (or divide) both sides by a negative number.
when you divide the inequality by a negative number, for example -2x > 50 then x < -25
yes ... and so?
Only when what you're multiplying by/dividing by is negative.