Here is an example
123.456 / 1.2
#1 ; Shift the decimal point to the right in BOTH numbers, so that the denominator is a whole number.
1234.56 / 12 =
Divide by '12'
102.88 The answer!!!!!
Same way you divide whole numbers with whole numbers
eg divide 6.519 by 1.23
........ ---------
123 | 651.9
........... 615
........... -----
.............. 36 9
.............. 36 9
.............. ------
..................... 0
Therefore 6.519 ÷ 1.23 = 5.3
5.29 divided by 2.3 = 2.3
Answer94.5Last Answeru just add decimals at the end
It's easier if you get rid of the decimals. 72/900 = 0.08
Videos for "How To Divide Decimals" ?
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
89 divide by 5 without decimals = 17.8
You divide the integer by the decimal.
15.8/0.8 22.57
4/5 in a decimal
Divide a decimal by 0.01 to get an equivalent percentage.
put it in your caca
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
130.3333 repeating