Chinese Abacus
Abacus was invented by Chinese. But vedic mathematics is known to deal with equipment similar to abacus. Not withstanding anything Chinese abacus just an amazing piece of calculator that needs no power except mind power. The Chinese abacus actually sharpens your mind power and calculations can be done faster than a home computer of P 4 standard because it takes time to punch in the numbers manually into the computer. But abacus is just moving beads.
Here is a nice free Chinese abacus that actually works on clicking on it. If you want to know how it works Just cut and paste this link in the address bar of browser. It is free and works. This is one working Chinese abacus ideally suited for school children and adults alike.
Just try clicking on any bead and you will find the answer right under it in the box. I think it runs on java so download java to run the free Chinese abacus on your PC.
8D in Mathematics is a site offering classes in ABACUS Math.
Abacus basically teaches the kids the tricks to solve the numbers and the mathematical problems smoothly and quickly. Best Brains learning center can help the kids absorb the abacus skills in the most satisfying and sustainable way. Our certified teacher will helps your kids to improve their Abacus Math skill very clearly. For more info, contact us at 469-356-0000
They used the abacus
How did the abacus occur?
Currently, they do math just like we do math. But they used to use an abacus. Here's the Wiki explanation of it.
The Abacus.
With an abacus.
8D in Mathematics is a site offering classes in ABACUS Math.
Abacus math is not prominent at all these days. They no longer teach it in the schools and it seems to be a dying form of math. It is more common in Europe however is not prominent in either country.
It is through abacus that the student community become familiar with various mathematical intricacies and become wizards in the future life.So, it is essential that the guardians inspire their kids to pursue abacus so that the fear of math rigidity vanishes and their interest for math grow gradually.
If your child is struggling with basic math concepts, you may want to introduce your child to math by using an abacus. An abacus is an excellent way to cement basic math concepts because it utilizes several of the senses and is unique. It may feel antiquated, but you may be surprised at how quickly your child begins to finally understand the basic math concepts that you have been unsuccessful with in the past.
The same it has always been. To calculate math.
Abacus basically teaches the kids the tricks to solve the numbers and the mathematical problems smoothly and quickly. Best Brains learning center can help the kids absorb the abacus skills in the most satisfying and sustainable way. Our certified teacher will helps your kids to improve their Abacus Math skill very clearly. For more info, contact us at 469-356-0000
They used the abacus