need help on math no problem!ok the first thing you are going to need to know is to round so lets say 10000+50 take away all the zeroes on both numbers and now you add 1=5 you get 6 then you bring back the zeroes you took away and put them in the end of the six
math that is done in your head
calculating mentally, usually arithmetic
mental math
move the decimal point to the right one space
If the numerator and denominator have an even number
how to do mental math useing propertys
13.48 - 6.1 in mental math = 7.380000000000001
mental math is doing the math in your head or in your mind but not in a calculator or pencil and paper
Mental math is basically math in your head so for example 40x2=80 so I did that in my head
50 what's "mental math" supposed to mean? if it just means you did it in your head, then there is no difference between mental and regular math, except that it is harder to check your work.
math that is done in your head
Mental Math Mostly
multiplacation mental math
This is math you can do in your head (mental math).13
Mental math! aka in ur head