The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.
Long division vocab.: the dividend is divided by the divisor. The remainder is what's left over after the problem is solved. The quotient is the answer! Hope that helps! :-)
The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.
Long division vocab.: the dividend is divided by the divisor. The remainder is what's left over after the problem is solved. The quotient is the answer! Hope that helps! :-)
this is simple division as both numbers can be divided by 10 to simplify this math problem. 2700 divided by 60 is the same as 270 divided by 6. Long division or short division and then you get 45.
In long division, the divisor is the number outside the division sign (it's the number that the first number is being divided by). So in this problem, the divisor would be 2.
Seven divided by fifteen equals 0.4666 repeating. Write it out as a long division problem.
It's a simple problem in long division and the answer is 2t + 1