express 3 days as a fraction of the month of
Yes the mean can have a remainder but the remainder would normally be either rounded or converted into a fraction.
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.
The numerator of the fraction is '2'. The denominator of the fraction is the divisor (the number you were dividing by).
If your improper fraction does not produce a remainder when you divide it, then it's just a whole number. 22/11 = 2
The fraction is the remainder divided by the original divisor.
The remainder divided by the divisor is the fraction. For example 12 divided by 7 is 1 with remainder of 5; the remainder fraction is 5/7 so answer is 1 and 5/7
you can't turn a reminder in to a fraction
When we say "7 remainder 1," we mean 7 divided by 1 leaves a remainder of 1. This can also be expressed as 7 divided by 1 equals 7 with a remainder of 1. To write this as a fraction, we can express it as 7/1 + 1/1, which simplifies to 8/1 or simply 8.
express 3 days as a fraction of the month of
Yes the mean can have a remainder but the remainder would normally be either rounded or converted into a fraction.
9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.
divide the numerator by the denominator. 16/7 =2 r2. put the whole number out the front (2) and the remainder remains in the fraction ontop of the denominator. 2/7. the answer is therefore 2 2/7