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Calculate the constant difference:

e.g. 21,17,13,9,5,1,...

The difference is -4.

Subtract that difference from the first term.

21 - -4 = 25

The 0th term is 25.

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Q: How do you figure out the 0th term in a math sequence?
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What is the nth term for 4 2 0 -2?

To work out the equation of a sequence, you should first look at the differences in the sequence. In this case, the differences between the numbers are -2, -2, -2. Thus the equation for the sequence is x-2n To work out x, you need to find what the "0th term" would be, or the term that would come before 4. In this case, it would be 4+2=6. Therefore, the equation for the nth term is 6-2n

What are the types of arithmetic sequence?

There is only one type of arithmetic sequence.The sequence may be defined by a "position-to-value" rule. This would be of the form:U(n) = a + n*dwhere a a constant which equals what the 0th term in the sequence would be,d is also a constant - the common difference between each term in the sequence and the preceding term.and n is a variable that is a counter for the position of the term in the sequence.The same sequence can be defined iteratively by:U(0) = aU(n+1) = U(n) + d for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

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-- Each term after the first one is four times the previous term.-- Beginning with the 0th term, the nth term is (4)n .

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2 to the 0th power is 1. So is any other number to the 0th power.

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It is an arithmetic series with initial number as 7 and an increment of -5, hence the nth term in general = (7 - 5 x n). You can verify this 0th term = (7 - 5 x 0) = 7 1st term = (7 - 5 x 1) = 2 2nd term = (7 - 5 x 2) = -3 ... ... 14th term = (7 - 5 x 14) = -63

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Without further restrictions it can be any of an infinite number of formulae.For example, U{n} = (11n⁴ - 110x³ + 385x² - 518x + 176)/8 which gives the next term as 42.However, if it is an ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE (as I suspect your teacher wants), then the nth term is found:Common difference: (-3) - (-7) = 4→ 0th term is -7 - 4 = -11→ nth term U{n} = 4n - 11

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What is a sequencer?

A group of numbers in order. Usually, when talking about sequences, people talk about infinite sequences: a sequence that never ends (it has a first number, a second number, and an Nth number for any N, with no last number). There's no restriction of what the numbers are - they can be anything, and don't have to follow any pattern. But in practice, if you want to talk about a specific sequence, you'd need some rule for calculating the numbers in it. For example, you could have the sequence whose Nth term is 1/N. Sometimes sequences are taken to start with a 0th term rather than a first term. This is a question of notation, and doesn't really change anything about how sequences work. You can also think of a sequence as a function from the natural numbers {1,2,3,...} or {0,1,2,3,...} to whatever the sequence is of (usually real numbers, or sometimes complex numbers). For this reason, sequences are also called arithmetical functions. The most common way to write the nth term of a sequence is an (for one sequence; if you need to talk about more sequences, you'd write bn or cn)

How do you solve the formula of a sequence of numbers.?

It is impossible to "solve" the formula since you will be given only a finite number of values. If you are given k values then there is a polynomial of order (k-1) that will generate those values, and infinitely more polynomials of higher order which will do so. Furthermore, there are non-polynomial functions that will do the trick as well.Having said that, there are some things you can do towards solving the formula. The question is usually answered using Occam's razor: if there are two or more possible solutions, use the simpler one.If the question mentions arithmetic sequence, then you know that each term in the sequence is equal to the preceding term plus some constant (which may be negative). This is known as the "common difference".The position to term formula for an arithmetic sequence is:U(n) = a + d*n for the nth term,where n is a counter that locates the term in the sequence (n = 1, 2, 3, ...)d is the common difference anda is the 0th term. That is, the term that would have come before the first term if you continued the sequence for one step in the reverse direction.There are polynomial sequences, where the first round of calculating differences between successive terms does not yield a constant but differencing the sequence formed by these differences (the second difference) is a constant. In this case the solution is a quadratic rule. Similarly, if the third differences are the same, the rule is cubic and so on.If the question mentions geometric sequence then that shows that each term is a fixed multiple (which may be smaller than 1, or negative) of the preceding term. This is known as the "common ratio".The position to term formula for a geometric sequence is:U(n) = a + r^n for the nth term,where n is a counter that locates the term in the sequence (n = 1, 2, 3, ...)r is the common difference anda is the 0th term. That is, the term that would have come before the first term if you continued the sequence for one step in the reverse direction.Then there are special sequences that students are often expected to recognise. These include:1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ... (triangular numbers - the second differences are a constant)1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ... (square numbers - the second differences are a constant)2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ... (prime numbers)1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... (the Fibonacci sequence - defined by U(1) = 1, U(2) = 1 and U(n) = U(n-2)+U(n-1) for all n >2.)

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To find out the equation for a sequence, the first thing you note is the difference between the numbers. In this case the difference is: -8, -8, -8, -8 Thus the formula will be x-8n where x is not yet known. For linear sequences like the one above, x is the 0th term. In this case it would be the term that would come before 22, or 22+8, or 30. Thus the equation for the nth term is 30-8n

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