If you take '2' and '4', then 2 is 50% of 4.
To calculate that, use (2/4)*100 to get the percentage.
So to find out what percentage number 'x' is of number 'y', use (x/y)*100.
A ratio is a comparison of one number in relation to another number. A percent is a comparison of one number in relation to One Hundred.
Divide the figure (usually the smaller one) into the base figure (usually larger). Then to get the percent figure, multiply the fraction by a hundred. For example, in a class 34 students, 11 are male, what percent of the class is male? 11/34=0.32 then 0.32X100=32%.
Answer: Value after increase = Base X Percent for new Value Hope this helps :)
A as a percentage of B: (100 x A)/B
A ratio is a comparison of one number in relation to another number. A percent is a comparison of one number in relation to One Hundred.
Divide the figure (usually the smaller one) into the base figure (usually larger). Then to get the percent figure, multiply the fraction by a hundred. For example, in a class 34 students, 11 are male, what percent of the class is male? 11/34=0.32 then 0.32X100=32%.
Percent is always a fraction, one number compared to another. Without anything to compare to, one number can be anything. My money would be on 100%
Percent is always a fraction, one number compared to another. Without anything to compare to, one number can be anything. My money would be on 100%
You recognise that 20% is one-fifth so you multiply 75 by 5...
One way to figure percent is to multiply by the percentage and divide by 100. Another way is to convert the percentage to a decimal fraction and multiply. For example, 20 percent of 200 is 20/100 x 200 = 40, or .2 x 200 = 40.
The number 20 is 20 percent of 100. All numbers under 100 are the same as expressed as a percent. Five is 5 percent, 10 is 10 percent, and so on.
divide the smaller number by the larger number, and multiply by 100. 60 is 75% of 80.
Answer: Value after increase = Base X Percent for new Value Hope this helps :)
You figure what two tenths of one percent of an amount is by multiplying that original amount by 0.002 The result is two tenths of a percent of that amount.
120 percent of the number 85 is one hundred and two.
To get a percentage, divide one number by another to first get your answer in a fraction. Then, just multiply this by 100 to get your percentage.