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The area of a square is the "length x width" but as these are equal we can put that the area = L2.....where L is the side length of the square.

If the value of the area is known then the square root of this figure provides the side length.

Example : Area = 36 sq cm, Length L = √36 = 6 cm.

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Q: How do you find a square length when you only have the area?
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How do you find the volume of cube only knowing its surface area?

Divide the surface area by six. That will give you the area of one face, which will be a perfect square. The square root of that number will give you the length of a side. The cube of the side will be the volume.

How much is a square mile compared to a mile?

A square mile is a unit of area. If we have a square with each side one mile long, the square covers one square mile. A mile is a unit of length. Length has only one dimension while area is two dimensions.

How can you find the area of a parallelogram if you only know the side lengths?

The area of a parallelogram is equal to base times height. You can find the maximum area of a parallelogram by multiplying the length of a short side by the length of a long side. (This would be the area if the parallelogram were a rectangle.)You cannot know the area of a parallelogram if all you know is the length of the sides; you can only know the maximumpossible area. Imagine you slant the parallelogram a lot. The area will decrease, but the side lengths will stay the same.

How do you find the perimeter of a shape with only the area?

If it's a circle or a square, no problem, but a rectangle can have different length & width but the same area eg 4 x 6, 3 x 8 or 2 x 12 which have respective perimeters of 20, 22 and 28.

If the area of a rectangle is 11.5 square meters what are the dimensions?

You can't tell. The area doesn't tell you the dimensions. There are an infinite number of possible pairs of length/width measurements. The only thing you know for sure is that whatever the length and width are, you get 11.5 when you multiply them.

Related questions

How do you find the length of a square only using area?

Square Root

How do you find the length of the side of a square with only the area?

To find the area of a square, where all four sides are of equal length, you simply square the length of one side: for example, the area of a square of four inches is sixteen square inches, or 42 in. To find the length of the side of a square when you only know the area, you simply reverse the process, and take the square root of the area. The square root of 16 is four, for example.

How do you find the height when you only have the total square feet and the width?

If you only have square feet, you won't be able to find the height, unless you're mistaking height for length. Area in square feet of a quadrilateral is width times length. To find the length, divide the area by the width.

How do you find the side of a square if only the area is given?

The length of each side of a square is numerically equal to the square root of the area.

How do you calculate the diagonal of the square?

You multiply the length of a side by the square root of 2.If you only have the area, square root it to find the length of a side.

How do you find the area of a square given only the length of its diagonal?

Given the length of the diagonal of the square ... call it 'D units'. The area of the square is (1/2 D2) (same units)2.

Is there a formula for finding the length of a square with only the area?

Yes, if it is a square the Area=A=l2 where l is the length and If you are given the area, then l=square root (A)

How do you find the area of a square?

Length times Height equals Area. You can do this, but you can find the area by using the formula "S2" (ex. 12= 1 x 1) The other formula which is only for squares:Area = 6 (Length x Width) or Area= 6(LxW)Glad I could help! :DEdit: A square has all sides equal. The formula for the area is given byarea of square = side2side times side

How do we find the width of a square if you only have the area?

We know that every side of a square in the same length, and that the area is equal to the width times the height. Because this is a square, the width and height are equal, so area is equal to the length of one of the sides times itself, or the length of one of the sides squared. So, in order to find the length of one of the sides, you take the square root of the area. The length of the side is equal to both the width and the height. For example, if you have a square with an area of 9, take the square root of 9, which is 3. So the width of that square is 3.

How do you determine area when perimeter and length of a square is given?

The perimeter of square is 4 x length If you have perimeter only divide by 4 to get length and The area of square is length x length If you already have length that is all you need to know

What is the length of the side of a square whose are is 49 square inches. can you leave a expalantion?

The side length would be 7. It is 7 because when you find the area of a square, the equation is s2=A. (s=side length A=area). When you only have the area of a square and you want to find the side length, you replace "A" with the area (in this case 49). Then you would have s2=49. To find the side length you would square both sides of the equation. √(s2)=√(49). 49 is perfect square so it's not too difficult to find out the answer. You would be left with s=7. Therefore the side length is 7. Step by step: s2=A s2=49 inches2 √(s2)=√(49) s=7 inches2

How do you find the edge length of a cube when you only have the surface area?

ok, so think about it. a cube has 6 sides. The surface area is the area of the surface of all 6 sides combined, so you divide the surface area by 6. This gives you the area of each square on each side. Then square root the answer because the area of a square is the side length squared. Now you have the edge length!