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You cannot.All that can be said with certainty is that the length of the fourth side can have ANY positive value between

(a) the longest minus the sum of the other two sides, and

(b) the sum of all three sides.

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Q: How do you find the fourth side of a quadrilateral with 3 known sides?
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How do you find the area of a quadrilateral if only of its four sides are known?

The only way to find the area is to have two sides to multiply them together unless you have the hypotenuse.

How do you find the length of a regular quadrilaterals with a perimeter of 36?

A regular quadrilateral has its 4 sides of the same length. If the perimeter (sum of the 4 sides) is 36 it means one side is a fourth of that, or 9.

The perimeter of a quadrilateral is 35 cm and the length of three of its sides are 7.9 cm 8.2 cm and 5.3 cm. find the fourth side?

It is: 35-7.9-8.2-5.3 = 13.6 cm which is the length of its fourth side

How do you find perimeter of a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a four sided figure, so sum the lengths of its four sides.

How do you find the length of a Quadrilateral when you are given two sides?

It depends on what kind of quadrilateral is. Still, you can't solve it.

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It's not a matter of 'finding' it. Either the quadrilateral is a parallelogram,or else it is not one.If the opposite sides of the quadrilateral are parallel, then it's a parallelogram.

When sides of quadrilateral are given how to find area?

4 times 4

How do you find perimeter of traingle and quadrilateral?

You add together the lengths of its sides.

How do you find the area of a quadrilateral which has sides of different length?

well change it into another quadrilateral and then take away the area of the lines you added

How do you find the measure of a fourth angle on a quadrilateral?

Subtract the (sum of the other three angles) from 360.

What is a quadrilateral with right angles that their sides are not the same?

Put a sock in it and get lost find the answer yourself

How do you find the length of the diagonals of an irregular quadrilateral?

You would have to consider a triangle formed by one diagonal and two sides of the quadrilateral. If you know the lengths of these sides, and the measure of the angle between them, you can use the cosine law to find the diagonal. c2 = a2 + b2 -2ab(cosC)