40 Area= half of base times hieght 8x10= 80 80Divided by 2 is 40
To find the area of a triangle, you have to multiply the base of the triangle and the height of the triangle, then divide the product of those numbers by two.
To find the height of a triangle you measure it. It has to be from the middle of the base to the top point.
You look at the lengths of the sided of the triangle. If the two lengths are same, the triangle is an isosceles triangle. If all the lengths are same, the triangle is an equilateral triangle. If none of the lengths are same, the triangle is a scalene triangle.
The triangle's altitude is 8.7 (8.66025) cm.
lenght *width *hieght
You Find the Hieght of the cylinder
Volume = With times Depth times Hieght. V= WDH
40 Area= half of base times hieght 8x10= 80 80Divided by 2 is 40
Dimensions are just the measurements of the length and width and hieght. To find the dimensions just measure the object and record the distances.
hieght legnth of a side width of a side
multplying the hieght, depth and width is one way. another way is to find out what the buoyancy is
it depends on your object. if your object is a triangle the area in square units is .5base times hieght if your object is a circle the area in square units is pi time radius squared if your object is a rectangle the area in square units is length times width
To find the area of a triangle find the base and the height of the triangle. Then multiply the base by the height, then divide by 2. To find the perimiter of a triangle add together the outside edge of the triangle. To find the area of a triangle find the base and the height of the triangle. Then multiply the base by the height, then divide by 2. To find the perimiter of a triangle add together the outside edge of the triangle.
hold TRIANGLE,but if your doing that mission where your have to jump out of a plane,SAME PROBLEM HAPPENED TO ME, so just keep gaining hieght, then you will see a corona, after that it will let you jump out