This question is unanswerable without theknowledge of type of triangle.
by looking and controling it
This traingle is an equilateral traingle: which consists of all the three sides and angles to be congruent. The angles inside the triangle, just like any normal traingle, add up to be 180 degrees. The opposite of this traingle is the Scalene triangle which has all the three sides to be Uncongruent and has different angles. All the angles of ALL traingles still add up to 180 Degrees. The Isoceles triangle consists of two equal sides and one extravagantly large one side. Therefore, because of the previous properties, an isosceles traingle has two congruent angles and usually one obtuse or acute angle. The last triangle, the right triangle, has one right angle. It is the only triangle that is capable with triginomical ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Every triangle must have either 2 or 3 acute angles.
Pascal (both the Persians and the Chinese) discovered the congruence of traingle during the eleventh century
Area of traingle = Base * Height / 2 = 18*12/2 = 108 m2
Assuming you mean perimeter (not pirimeter) and triangle (traingle) you need to sum together the lengths of the three sides.
to find the angles and sides of a right traingle
to find the angles and sides of a right traingle
Area = 1/2 * base * height
You add together the lengths of its sides.
Traingle is an anagram of the following words:AlertingAlteringIntegralRelatingTriangle
In safety traingle what is the meaning of traingle? Why not it is square or any other shape ? Why traingle only?
Yes, but it would have to be a triangle, not traingle!
A traingle is a 3 sided figure that is somteimes always equal.
make it a quadrangle & divide by 2.
A triangle (not traingle) is a polygon. It can be a regular polygon but need not be.
Assuming that a traingle is meant to be a triangle, then the answer is none.