To calculate the average you first add the numbers you have together. Then, you divide your answer by how many numbers you added together.
For example, to find the average of 6, 2, 4, and 8:
The average. add all the numbers and divide them by how many there are.
It is a mathematical statement. It means that the average of a set of numbers is negative 10 and the sum of this average and four is, therefore, negative six!
Mathematical term for average is usually arithmetic MEAN. Actually any measure of central tendency like mean , median and mode could be used in common language as the average.
wat is a mathematical situation?
Average speed can be represented by the mathematical expression "distance x time."
Mean is the mathematical term for average.
In mathematical terms a weighted average is one which takes account of the popularity or frequency that particular numbers appear in the collection that is being averaged. It is considered to give a more realistic average.
Average is a synonym for mean (the mathematical term not the adjective)
They are all forms of average.
it is basically the math term used for average
the volume of mean: the total average
In mathematics, mean stands for average.
Measures of Central Tendency (Types of Average) are:-Mathematical Average Arithmetic MeanGeometric MeanHarmonic MeanPositional Average MedianModePercentileCommercial Average
The average. add all the numbers and divide them by how many there are.
The mathematical mean (average) is where you add up all of the inputs and divide by the total number of inputs. Mean -- mathematical average. Mode -- most common member of a set. Median -- middle of a set or group.