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They are all forms of average.

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Q: What is the mathematical term of mean median and mode?
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Is average another word for Mean Median or Mode?

Average is a synonym for mean (the mathematical term not the adjective)

What is the meaning of mean midian and mode?

For a set of data. Mean is the correct way of saying Average. Median is the absolute mid point of the terms in rank order. Mode is the term that occurs most often. Here is a set of data 1,2,3,3,5 It is rank order from lowest to highest/ Mean = ( 1+2+3+3+5) / 5 = 14/5 = 2 3/5 = 2.8 Median ; is '3' it is the absolute middle term in the set of data Mode is also '3' , because it occurs twice ( most often) , whereas all the other terms only occur once.

What is the range median mode mean of 72 93 57 72 46 68?

First of all place the numbers in rank order. Hence 46,57,68,72,72,93. RANGE; is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers, which is 93-46 = 47 MEDIAN: is the absolute mid-point. Since there is no absolute mid-point, we take the two middle numbers , add them and divide by '2'. Hence. ( 68+72)/2 = 70 MODE: is the term that occurs most frequently. In this case '72'. as there are two of them , but only one each of the other terms. MEAN; Add all the terms and divide by the number of terms. (46+57+68+72+72+93) / 6 = 408/6 = 68

What are the mean median mode and range of 100 90 85 90 80 75 80 90?

100,90,85, 90,80,75,80.90. Rearrange the terms in rank order. 75,80,80,85,90,90,90,100. MEAN : Add all the terms together and divide by the number of terms. Hence:- (75+80+80+85+90+90+90,+100)/8 => 690/8 = 86.25 MEDIAN : Is the Absolute middle term. Since there are an even number of terms, we take the two middle terms, which are 85 & 90. (NB This leaves three terms to the left of '85' and three terms to the right of '90'. ). Add these two terms and divide by '2'. Hence (85+90) / 2 = 87.5 MODE : Is the most frequent term. The one term that appears most often. In this case it is '90', as there are three lots of '90', but only two lots of 80, and only one each of the remaining terms. = 90. .

What is the mean mode median of 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 67 67 68 68 70 70 72 73 76 79 80?

64 64 64 65 65 65 65 67 67 68 68 70 70 72 73 76 79 80. NB Place the numbers in RANK order. In this case it is already done #1 MODE ; is the term that occurs most frequently. In this case it is '65' , as there are four lots of '65' #2 MEDIAN ; is the term that occurs at the ABSOLUTE middle of the ranked order. Since there are eighteen terms, there is no absolute middle term. So we take the two middle terms that have the same number of terms to their side, that is terms nine & ten. They are 67 & 68. We then add these two together and halve the result. Hence (67 + 68) / 2 = 67.5. This is the median term. #3 MEAN ; is the sum of all the terms, which is the divided by the number of terms. Hence (64+64+64+65+65+65+65+67+67+68+68+70+70+72+73+76+79+80)/18 = 69' NB Another way of calculating the mean is ((3x64)+(4x65)+(2x67)+(2x68)+(2x70)+72+73+76+79+80)/18 = 69 NNB The word 'average' is casually used in the non-mathematical world, but the correct term is MEAN.

Related questions

Is average another word for Mean Median or Mode?

Average is a synonym for mean (the mathematical term not the adjective)

Another math term for average?

Mathematical term for average is usually arithmetic MEAN. Actually any measure of central tendency like mean , median and mode could be used in common language as the average.

What is another name for the mathematical term average?

mean. and mode is the most appeared number in a set of data and the median is when u place all the numbers in order from least to greatest then find the middle one.

What is the definition for the mathematical term for median?

Median is the number that u find in the middle.

What is the mean median and mode of 28 54 34 50 34?

mean median and mode of 28 54 34 50 34 First of all place the numbers in Rank Order. 28,34,34,50,54. I'll do then in reverse order. MODE ; is the number/term that is most frequent, which is '34'. MEDIAN : is to absolute middle number. Out of the five terms, the second '34' is the absolute middle term, so it is the median. MEAN : Is to summ all the terms and divide by the numbers of terms. Hence ( 28+34+34+50+54 ) / 5 = 200/5 200/5 = 40 THe mean.

What a mode?

Mode is a mathematical term. It stands for the value that appears most often in a set of numerical data.

What the mean median and mode of 15 27 10 25 9 22 25?

Mean is the sum(addition) of all the terms , divided by the number of terms. Median is the absolute middle term, when placed in rank order. Mode is the most frequently occurring term. 15 27 10 25 9 22 25 First place these terms in rank order. Ther are seven(7) terms. 9,10,15,22,25,25,27. MEAN => (9+10+15+22+25+25+27) / 7 = 133/7 = 19 Median = 22 ( The absolute middle term. Mode = 25 (The most frequent ; because it occurs twice, whereas the rest are only once).

Mode is a mathematical term meaning?

mode means an average found by determining the most frequent value in a group of values

What is the mathamatical term for mean?

The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".

What does the term of median mean in math?

The median is the middle value of a list of numbers. In [1,6,34] the median value is 6.

What does mean mean in the term of math?

The median is the middle value of a list of numbers. In [1,6,34] the median value is 6.

What does equal mean in mathematical term?
