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Wrap the string around the cylinder, mark where the end of the string touched itself, remove the string, and measure from the end of the string to the mark.

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Q: How do you get the circumference of a cylinder with a string?
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What is the circumference of a cup?

A cup is usually a roughly cylindrical hollow container. The circumference of a cup would be the length of a piece of string wrapped around the cylinder.

A cylinder 90 cm high has a circumference of 20 cm A string makes exactly 6 complete turns round the cylinder while its two ends touch the cylinder's top and bottom how long is the string in cm?

For the string to wrap around the cylinder and yet do so by "coiling" around the outside of the cylinder from bottom to top, it will need to be 150cm long.

What is the circumference of a cylinder 16 in diameter and 15cm height?

The cylinder's circumference is approximately 50.27cm

What is the circumference of circles?

The circumference is the length of the outside of the circle. For example, if you took a piece of string and made a circle with it, then laid the string straight, the length of the string would be the circumference. The circumference of a circle can be measured by doing two times the radius of the circle times the mathematical constant, pi.

What is the volume of a cylinder when the length is 9 and the circumference is 12.56?

The volume of a cylinder with a length of 9 and a circumference of 12.56 is: about 113 cubic units.

What is the circumference of a cylinder 8 diameter and 12 in height?

The circumference is about 25.13 units.

Why do you need a measuring cylinder?

measure liquids or the area/circumference of the cylinder.

What is the diameter of a cylinder if it is 14cm what is the circumference?

The question cannot be answered. There is no information on what aspect of the cylinder is 14 cm: the radius, diameter, circumference, height.

How do you find the height of a cylinder if you have the circumference and the surface area?

you divide the surface area by the circumference.

How do you find the surface area of a cylinder when given the height and circumstance?

Entire surface area of a cylinder = (2*pi*radius^2)+(circumference*height) If you are given the circumference then radius = circumference/2*pi

How do you find circumference of cylinder given length and width?

The width times pi equals the circumference.

What are parts of a cylinder?

Length, radius ,diameter, circumference