The easiest way is through prime factorization.
Example: 1/30 and 1/42
The lowest common denominator in this case is the LCM of 30 and 42.
2 x 3 x 5 = 30
2 x 3 x 7 = 42
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210, the LCM and the lowest common denominator.
The lowest common denominator is 30
An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.
The lowest common denominator is 10
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest common denominator of 4/25 and 3/50 is 50.
The lowest common denominator is 30
The lowest common denominator is 6
The lowest common multiple, or lowest common denominator, of 18 and 28 is 252.
What is the lowest common denominator of 15 over 57?
lowest common denominator of 34 and 36 is 612
The lowest denominator is 2. The lowest common denominator is 18.
135 is the lowest common denominator of numbers 27 and 45.
The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
The lowest common denominator would be twelve!
Lowest common denominator of 50 and 35 is 350.
945 is the lowest common denominator. 3 is the greatest common factor.
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1