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Liar's Dice starts off with 2 or more players. They each have some sort of cup, which is usually leather. They put 5 dice into their cup, shake it around then put the open end of the cup on the table, making sure the dice don't fall out. Players take it in turns to bid on how many dice are on the table (e.g 4 5's, which would mean there are at least 4 dice showing a 5). People can lie, but can be caught if somebody challenges their bid. If a bid is false, and is caught, then that person loses a die. Also, you can declare a bid to be 'spot-on', which means there are the exact amounts of dice on the table, as bid by a player. If the bid is 'spot-on', and is declared, then the player who made the bid loses a die. You lose if you have no dice left. It may sound simple, but it is actually very strategic.

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