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For(int I = 0: I < 5; i++)


System.out.println(" print this " + I );


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Q: How do you print a string 5 times in java?
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How can you initialize an array in Java?

If you refering to Object then String[] something=new String[2]; Here you have to remember that something only allocated space for 2 String object but it did not created them yet. By default Objects are intantiated to null so if you try to print the content of an array System.out.println(something[0]);//print null System.out.println(something[0].toLowerCase()); Throws NullPointerException Couple other ways to create Arrays In java String[] something=new String[]{"Me","You"}; String[] something={"Me", "You"};

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All of the Java number classes have a parse[type] method, like parseInt() in Integer or parseDouble() in Double that convert Strings to primitive numbers. String s = getInput(); int var = Integer.parseInt(s);

How do you convert an integer to a string?

That really depends on the programming language. In Java, it is sufficient to concatenate it with a String: int myNumber = 5; result = "" + myNumber; Other languages may require a special function, or method, to convert from integer to string.

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C# 5 times, then D# 5 times, then G# 4 times, and then, depending on which part of the song, it's F on the D string 5 times or F on the C string 5 times. Happy Viva la Viding!! ;-)

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5 times 3

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System.out.println("2, 3, 5, 7"); There are so few you dont need to calculate it

How do you write 55555 4444 333 22 1 in java?

You can do this with a nested loop: public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i=5, i&gt;0, i--){ for(int j=i, j&gt;0; j--) System.out.print(i); System.out.print(' '); } } The outer loop decrements the integer that you are printing and the inner loop will print the integer the number of times equal to its value.

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Cls Dim n as string Dim b as string b=&quot;Kamal&quot; For a=5 to 1 step -1 n=left$(b, a) Print n Next a End

Write a java program to print the following output using the for loop 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5?

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The latest version of java is called Java 5 or Tiger.