Numbers have two parts To the left of the decimal point , whole numbers To the right , fraction or part of 1 Two ways to write it: Say: 2.56 (decimal) 2 56/100 (simplifies to ) 2 14/25 Both have same value
To convert it to a common denominator.
a decimal fraction means a fraction that changes into a decimal or a decimal that changes into a farction
To calculate 5 percent of 1350, you simply multiply 1350 by 0.05 (which is 5 percent as a decimal). This calculation would result in 67.5. Therefore, 5 percent of 1350 is 67.5.
numerator divided by denominator.
Usually to rename a fraction as a decimal the little fraction symbol and the decimal stand for the word "and". Or if you have a whole number in the fraction then that number would be your "and" for example 3 1/2 would be three and one half in words right... so 3.5 is your decimal I LOVE ZAYN <3
Put it into decimal form (this is considered less accurate).E.G. 1/2=0.5
That depends on what kind of number name you are given: an improper fraction? A decimal? A percentage? ...
Usually to rename a fraction as a decimal the little fraction symbol and the decimal stand for the word "and". Or if you have a whole number in the fraction then that number would be your "and" for example 3 1/2 would be three and one half in words right... so 3.5 is your decimal I LOVE ZAYN <3
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 6/12, or six twelfths, is equal to 1/2, or one half. Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.5.
There are several options: As a fraction: 2/5 (2over5) As a decimal: 0.4 As a percent: 40%
Numbers have two parts To the left of the decimal point , whole numbers To the right , fraction or part of 1 Two ways to write it: Say: 2.56 (decimal) 2 56/100 (simplifies to ) 2 14/25 Both have same value
To rename 28 percent as a decimal, divide 28 by 100. The result is 0.28.
Divide 45 by 75 and show the quotient as a decimal. 45 ÷ 75 = 0.6 NOTE :This operation can also be done as a conversion from a simplified fraction. 45/75 = 3/5 = 6/10 = 0.6
To convert it to a common denominator.