In words, the number .00012 is pronounced as "twelve ten-thousandths." This is because the first digit after the decimal point is in the ten-thousandths place, and the subsequent digits follow the same pattern.
You must always disregard preceeding zeros when dealing with positive integers. The question is therefore simplified to:- "Which is bigger 15 or 12" - the answer is then self evident.
You take the number before the number you want to round it to. Round to tens: 97112770 (7 is greater then 4, so you round up) round to hundreds: 97112800 (6 is greater then 4 so you round up) round to thousands:97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to ten thousands: 97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to hundred thousands: 97100000 (less then 4, round down) round to millions: 97000000 (less then 4 round down) round to billions: 10,000,000 (more then 4 round up)
To round to the nearest whole number, round down to 60. To round to the nearest hundred, round up to 100.
110 = 00012 110 - This is the number one writen in the decimal system 00012 - This is the number 1 using the binary system. Here, 4 bits are being represented. 00012 = 012
In words, the number .00012 is pronounced as "twelve ten-thousandths." This is because the first digit after the decimal point is in the ten-thousandths place, and the subsequent digits follow the same pattern.
It is: 1.2*10^-4
You must always disregard preceeding zeros when dealing with positive integers. The question is therefore simplified to:- "Which is bigger 15 or 12" - the answer is then self evident.
The way I convert between decimal and hexadecimal is to first convert the decimal number to binary: 664062510 = 110010101010011111100012 Then split the binary number into 16-bit (4 digit) chunks: 0110 0101 0101 0011 1111 00012 Next, convert each chunk into a hexadecimal digit: 0110 0101 0101 0011 1111 00012 6 5 5 3 F 1 Finally, put all the digits together: 664062510 = 6553F116
Blood flows slowly through capillaries. This speed allows for increased efficiency of diffusion of materials.
in universe 4x10^-7%in sun 9x10^-7%in meteorites .00012%in earth's crust .00022%in oceans 1x10^-9%in humans .00002%Plagiarized word for word from http://www.periodictable.com/Elements/050/data.html
no, skillet doesn't sing round and round
It goes round and round because of gravity.
Round Round was created on 2002-08-12.
Ratt sings Round and Round