If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is 4 or less, leave the number in the place you are rounding to the same and change all digits to the right of it to zeros.
If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is 5 or more, round the number in the place you are rounding to to the next higher digit and change all the digits to the right of it to zeros.
To round 4.5 to the nearest whole number, look at the digit in the tenth's place. Since it is a 5, round the 4 to a 5. Your answer is 5, or you could write it as 5.0.
If you're rounding to decimal places, you can leave the zeros to the right off in your answer. For example, if you're rounding 6.849 to hundredths place, you could write the answer as 6.85 instead of 6.850 because the zeros are not needed.
46. To "round off" a number, look at the previous digit. Go up one number if this digit is 5 or greater; go down one if 4 or less. So to round 45.6 to the nearest whole number, we look at the ".6" part. This is greater than five, so we increase the number "45" by one to "46".
45 is the smallest number that rounds to 50
Oh, dude, rounding 45 to the nearest 10 is like so easy. You just look at the number to the right of the tens place, which in this case is 5, and since it's 5 or more, you round up. So, 45 rounds up to 50. Ta-da!
Yes, if you are rounding to the nearest ten. No, if you are rounding to the nearest whole number.
0.62 is approximate to0 to the nearest ten1 to the nearest whole number/unit0.6 to the nearest tenth
49 lowest no. 45
To round to the nearest whole number, you first take only the digits greater than the decimal part. In this case, we have 45. The next step is to look at the tenths place in the decimals, and if it is 5 or greater we must round up. In this case, it is 3, so we don't need to round up. Thus 45.37 rounded to the nearest whole number is 45.
0.45 should be rounded down to 0.
By taking a number's 2nd decimal place and seeing if it is .45 or higher.
44.9 to the nearest whole number is 45.
It is 45.