The hundred thousand digit is the sixth from the right. Since the one after that is a five, you round up. The answer is 6,100,000
Forty-five billion, five million, five hundred thousand, fifty.
.125 is thicker than .050
A million is 1 000 000 = 106 so 1.05 million = 1.05 x 106 = 1 050 000
04 = 4 is less than 050 = 50
1 050 000 000
806 050 . its an easy one
Smallest 8 950 000 Largest 9 050 000 9 050 000 does NOT round to 9 100 000 because by doing so you add a systematic bias to the rounding process.
Seven billion, fifty million, eight hundred thousand, and one.
Forty-five billion, five million, five hundred thousand, fifty.
USA 4,050,800,000 EU 4 050 800 000 Usually we don't use the word "and" until we need the decimal point. So, I was surprised that the last word was not thousandth .
.050 inch.050 inch
.050 inch.050 inch
.050 inch.050 inch
.050 inch.050 inch
.050 inch.050 inch
.050 inch.050 inch
.125 is thicker than .050