You drop all decimals after the first. If the first digit you drop is 5 or more, you add one to the right-most digit you keep.
1.23456 becomes 1.2
3.282 becomes 3.3 - in this case, the first digit dropped is the 8. Since it is greater or equal to 5, you add one tenth to the 3.2.
You drop all decimals after the first. If the first digit you drop is 5 or more, you add one to the right-most digit you keep.
1.23456 becomes 1.2
3.282 becomes 3.3 - in this case, the first digit dropped is the 8. Since it is greater or equal to 5, you add one tenth to the 3.2.
You drop all decimals after the first. If the first digit you drop is 5 or more, you add one to the right-most digit you keep.
1.23456 becomes 1.2
3.282 becomes 3.3 - in this case, the first digit dropped is the 8. Since it is greater or equal to 5, you add one tenth to the 3.2.
You drop all decimals after the first. If the first digit you drop is 5 or more, you add one to the right-most digit you keep.
1.23456 becomes 1.2
3.282 becomes 3.3 - in this case, the first digit dropped is the 8. Since it is greater or equal to 5, you add one tenth to the 3.2.
round 48.6 to the nearest tenth
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
To the nearest tenth it is 2796.
It then is 0.7 to the nearest tenth
24.6 Round 24.583 to the nearest tenth? => 24.600
round 48.6 to the nearest tenth
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
To the nearest tenth it is 2796.
It then is 471.4 to the nearest tenth
It is 61.9 to the nearest tenth
It then is 0.7 to the nearest tenth
It is 263.8 to the nearest tenth
4.4, to the nearest tenth.
24.6 Round 24.583 to the nearest tenth? => 24.600
It then is 1.5 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 64.2 when rounded to the nearest tenth