On normal calculator, press 'Off'. If your calculator doesn't have this button, the calculator will turn off automatically after some time. On scientific calculator, press 'shift' and press 'AC'. (depends on your version of the calculator)
A Texas Instruments graphing calculator can be used as a basic calculator, a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator.
pocket calculator is a calculator that we keep in our pocket
fitness calculator
This will depend on the type of calculator you have. This will depend on the type of calculator you have.
Shutdown -1 is not a correct command for shutting down. Open a command line... Start >> Run... >> cmd >> ENTER Then type: shutdown /h (shutdown) shutdown /r (restart) shutdown /l (log off) shutdown /? (more info on shutdown)
Take out the battery and it will shutdown.
to stop a cmd shutdown you type in "shutdown /a" (without quotes) shutdown /a is for windows vista and 7 if its windows xp u would use "shutdown -a" the function "/a" or "-a" means to abort a shutdown
shutdown -m \\computername - Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort shutdown -t xx - Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds
A shutdown that has been planned
Try the man pages. In a terminal type man shutdown
right click > New > Shortcut then type the following line: to shutdown = shutdown -s to restart = shutdown -r
It was shutdown because of scientology
Piers Morgan Tonight - 2011 Shutdown Shutdown was released on: USA: 1 October 2013
shutdown companies in Bangalore?
Shutdown - song - was created in 2001.
Yes shutdown <computer IP shutdown>