In this case, we are solving backwards to find the value of 3. We must reverse the order of operations to solve for x since we are working backwards. subtract 3 from both sides of the equation. this will leave us with 10x = 12. Then, we can divide both sides by 10, and we will be left with 12/10.
The main goal of solving for x is to isolate x. We want x to be on one side of the equation all by itself.
Think of equations like a balance bean. If we take 3 away from both sides, the balance will still weigh the same on both sides. Then, if we divide 10 by both sides, the balance will still weigh the same on both sides again because its done to both sides of the equation. Aside from when you are simplifying one side of the equation for simplicity, what you do to one side of the equation you must do to the other.
10x + 3 = 15 10x = 15 - 3 10x = 12 x = 1.2
15+b = 23 Subtract 15 from both sides b = 8
In math problems without punctuation such as brackets, the standard convention in to solve from left to right. Therefore, you would solve the problem 15-3 times 4 plus nine like by three actions. 15-3 equals 12; 12 times 4 equals 48; 48 plus 9 equals 57.
10x + 3 = 15 10x = 15 - 3 10x = 12 x = 1.2
It is: x = 1.2
It is a linear equation in x. 10x = 7x + 15 3x = 15 x = 5
30 + 5x = 15 + 10x 30 = 15 + 5x 15 = 5x x = 3
If: 10x+7 = 5x+22 Then: 10x-5x = 22-7 And: 5x = 15 So: x = 3
9 degrees
depends what 'a' =
8x = 2x + 15 6x = 15 x = 15/6 = 2.5