Before you can add or subtract fractions, they need to have the same denominator.
Take the 1/2, multiply numerator and denominator both by 3, and you have 3/6 .
That doesn't change the value of the fraction. It's just a different way to write
the same fraction, and now you'll be able to use it to solve the example.
The problem: (1/2) - (1/6)
Different way to write it: (3/6) - (1/6)
You really should be able to take it from there. If not, then you need some
serious brushing up, and I hope you'll make an appointment with your teacher,
to get together and review the things that came before this, to make sure you
understand them.
One half = three sixth, so the answer is two sixth.
one half of one sixth is one twelfth
one and one sixth. trust me?
one twelveth
One half = three sixth, so the answer is two sixth.
one half
Three-sixths minus two-sixths is one-sixth.
It is 2 and 4 sixths
one half of one sixth is one twelfth
I think that it is one half?
(-1/6) - 2/3 = -0.8333333332
-1/6. Negative one sixth.
One minus a sixth is five sixths.
The answer is: 3 and 5/6 minus 1 and 1/2 = 2 and 1/3
seven over six, otherwise known as one and one sixth