To use benchmarks to estimate decimals, you first identify a familiar whole number that the decimal is close to. For example, if you have the decimal 0.35, you can benchmark it to 0.5, which is halfway between 0 and 1. Then, you can approximate the decimal as being slightly less than 0.5. This method helps you quickly estimate decimal values without needing to perform precise calculations.
You can use decimals in money.
to find a low estimate for the product of two decimals, round both factors
The number that has the same estimate when using benchmarks of thousands and ten thousands is 5,000. When using benchmarks of thousands, 5,000 would round to 5,000. When using benchmarks of ten thousands, 5,000 would also round to 5,000 since it falls between 0 and 10,000. This number remains the same regardless of the benchmark used due to its position relative to the benchmarks.
A math teacher or a mathematician.
Benchmark Decimals are fractions (decimals) like 0 1/2 1/4 .25 .50 .75 like that!
1.0 and 0.5
compare with random fraction to a benchmark fraction. to tell if a fraction is less or greater than another fraction.
0.235 * 0.6891 = 0.1619385 What's to estimate? The total decimal places in the multiplicands is the total in the answer.
In the same way as you estimate them for whole numbers.
You can use decimals in money.
to find a low estimate for the product of two decimals, round both factors
The number that has the same estimate when using benchmarks of thousands and ten thousands is 5,000. When using benchmarks of thousands, 5,000 would round to 5,000. When using benchmarks of ten thousands, 5,000 would also round to 5,000 since it falls between 0 and 10,000. This number remains the same regardless of the benchmark used due to its position relative to the benchmarks.
Take the numerator and divide it by the denominator. like 1/2: 1 divided by 2. or remember the fractions in2 decimals as benchmarks. like 1/2 = 0.5, 1/9= 0.1 repeating, etc...
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
LINPACK benchmarks was created in 1979.