The mode is the number that occurs the most...example:
1, 2, 5, 9, 9, 8, 4, 3.. What would be the mode? the answer is 9 because all the rest occured once and 9 occured twice.
The mode is the number of repeated data points. There is not a mode in the data you have given.
You can't find the mode of a single number...but you can find the mode of a group of numbers The mode is the value with the highest frequency...that is, the value which appears the most often
There is no mode, so you would put "no mode" in your answer. Don't put "0" because 0 is a number, so if there isn't a common number put "no" or "no mode" Hope this helps :) x
there is no mode, because no number is repeated, so the answer is :no mode
You find out the mode to find the most appearing number
The mode is the number that occurs the most.
If there is no single number that occurs more than once, either every number in the set is the mode or there is no mode - check with your teacher to see which answer he/she wants you to use.
The mode is the number of repeated data points. There is not a mode in the data you have given.
the mode of a number is the number that occurs most frequently
Mode is the typical number.
mode is the most common
The mode is the most frequently occured number in a number group.
The mode of a single number is that number - so 78587.
The mode of a series of numbers is the number that appears most often. As 7507607707807908081082083084085 is but a single number, it does not have a mode.
A mode is a number that occurs the most.
mode means if there is More of that number
then there is no mode