Rounded to one decimal places, 6.938 is approximately equal to 6.9.
4.711, 4.712, 4.713, 4.714
Move the decimal point two places to the left and get rid of the percentage sign.
The correct answer is 28.400
The correct answer is 0.60000000
Both are correct. It just depends on how many decimal places you want to show.
Rounded to one decimal places, 6.938 is approximately equal to 6.9.
The correct correct correct correct answer is 0.65 yo!
0.1 as a decimal with two decimal places is 0.10.
4.711, 4.712, 4.713, 4.714
4.98 Simple rule: 'point 5 and above goes up'. For two decimal places, if the third digit is 5 or greater, the second digit goes up by one.
The correct answer is 6.9