21,600 using only four significant figures is still 21,600.
There are 3 significant figures
Significant figures are calculated using various rules.ÊAll non-zero numbers are significant and all zeros that are to the right of the decimal point as well as at the end of a number are significant.ÊTherefore, 1.050L has 4 significant figures.
The greater the number of significant figures, the greater the precision. Each significant figure increases the precision by a factor of ten. For example pi = 3.14 is accurate to 3 significant figures, while pi = 3.14159 with 6 significant figures is a more accurate representation.
4.82 * 10^1 (this is using three significant figures)
145.992 using only four significant figures is 146.0
61.37795276 in four significant figures is 61.38
The number 3400 has two significant figures. The rules for significant figures can be found by using the link to our friends at Wikipedia.
21,600 using only four significant figures is still 21,600.
840 using four significant figures is 840.0
There are 3 significant figures
4 is a whole number and can never be a decimal.
It isn't clear what the question is. If you are supposed to multiply or divide, and if by "signification figures" you mean significant digits, do the multiplication (or division), then round to three significant digits - since the least-precise of the numbers only has three significant digits.
The number 120.7 contains 4 significant figures. You start counting once you see any non-zero number. Any number after a decimal place is counted. The zero counts because it is a "captive" zero, which are always counted.
86.346 +54.43 9.5 _______ 150.276 Now after we round the number and write it in significant figures , so it should look like this; 150 why? because when we need to round a number using the significant figures , we must look for the smallest significant figures which is 9.5 .