To write 5 million 248 thousand and 63 in digits, you would start with the largest unit, which is 5 million. This is written as 5,000,000. Then, add 248 thousand, which is written as 248,000. Finally, add 63, which remains as 63. Therefore, 5 million 248 thousand and 63 in digits is written as 5,248,063.
The value of 671248101 is 671 million, 248 hundred thousand and one hundred and one.
248 x 24 = 5952
248 ÷ 8 = 31
2.48 = 248/100 = 62/25
24/8 = 3 2/48 = 1/24
It was in between about 590 and 248 million years ago and it lasted about 342 million years.
2.48 × 108 km
0.248 = 248/1,000 = (248/8)/(1,000/8)= 31/125
For 259 248 266 320 270 309 310: σ = 28.9622
Two hundred and forty eight.
In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: CCXLVIII
C c x l v i i i
Pluto - takes 248 YEARS to orbit the sun once ! 248 years - is approximately 2.17 million hours.
The value of 671248101 is 671 million, 248 hundred thousand and one hundred and one.