37 hundredths
To convert 37 hundredths (0.37) to percent, multiply by 100: 0.37 × 100 = 37 %
1 and 37/100 as a decimal is 1.37
To express 0.37 as a fraction, we can write it as 37/100. This is because the decimal 0.37 can be seen as 37 hundredths. Therefore, the fraction 37/100 represents 0.37 in fractional form.
To write 6.37 as a fraction, we first note that 6.37 can be expressed as 6 + 0.37. Since 0.37 is in the hundredths place, we can write it as 37/100. Therefore, 6.37 as a fraction is 6 37/100 or 637/100.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 37/100 is equal to 0.37.
As a decimal 37/100 = 0.37
37/10000 = 0.00037 = 3.7*10-4
Per cent means per 100. 37% = 37 hundredths = 0.37
37 hundredths is the fraction 37/100. Divide top and bottom by 100. When you divide the numerator (37.0) by 100, you move the decimal point two places to the left; the answer would be 0.37
37/100 as a decimal is 0.37